How Walking Meetings Can Improve Your Team's Creativity

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, meetings are often seen as a necessity rather than an opportunity for collaboration and innovation. However, what if there was a way to not only boost creativity but also enhance team bonding and productivity? Enter the walking meeting—a dynamic alternative to the traditional sit-down meeting. Walking meetings have gained popularity in recent years as a method that promotes creativity, problem-solving, and overall team well-being. Let's dive into how this simple shift in meeting format can transform your team's creativity and output.

1. A Change of Scenery Sparks Creativity

Sitting in the same room or office day after day can stifle creativity. Our brains crave novelty and fresh perspectives, which can often come from something as simple as a change in surroundings. Walking outside or even through different areas of a large office can stimulate new ideas. This is because physical movement engages different parts of the brain, leading to a more open and creative mindset. The act of walking also reduces stress, which is another roadblock to creative thinking.

For teams stuck in the routine of conference room meetings, walking meetings can break the monotony and help team members see problems or projects in a new light. This fresh perspective can lead to breakthroughs that may not have happened in a traditional meeting environment.

2. Improved Focus and Engagement

Sitting for extended periods can cause people to lose focus and become disengaged. Walking meetings, on the other hand, encourage participants to stay alert and involved. The physical activity stimulates blood flow and increases oxygen to the brain, which naturally helps with concentration and cognitive function.

Additionally, walking side by side can create a more relaxed and open environment. Team members are more likely to feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions when they’re not staring across a table. The casual atmosphere of a walking meeting fosters better communication and more effective problem-solving.

3. Health Benefits That Boost Productivity

We all know that sitting for long periods is not good for our health. Walking meetings offer a way to combat this sedentary lifestyle while still getting work done. The physical benefits of walking are well-documented: it improves cardiovascular health, boosts energy levels, and reduces stress. These health benefits, in turn, lead to increased productivity and mental sharpness.

By incorporating walking meetings into your team's routine, you’re promoting not only creativity but also overall well-being. Healthier employees are more productive, less stressed, and more engaged in their work.

4. Building Stronger Team Bonds

Walking meetings are not just about creativity and productivity; they also provide an opportunity for team bonding. Walking together creates a sense of unity and can help break down hierarchical barriers that sometimes exist in traditional office settings. It encourages collaboration and open communication between all levels of the team, from junior employees to senior management.

The informal nature of walking meetings often leads to more organic conversations. This can result in a stronger sense of camaraderie and trust among team members, which can greatly enhance creativity and collaboration in future projects.

5. How to Implement Walking Meetings

Introducing walking meetings into your work routine is simple. Start small by scheduling walking meetings for brainstorming sessions or one-on-one catch-ups. You can gradually increase the frequency or duration as your team gets more comfortable with the format.

Here are a few tips to get started:

  • Choose the right location: If you’re in an urban environment, look for nearby parks or walking paths. For indoor options, consider large hallways or open office spaces.

  • Keep it short and focused: Walking meetings work best for meetings that require brainstorming or problem-solving. Keep them to 30 minutes or less to maintain focus.

  • Prepare in advance: While walking meetings are more casual, it's still essential to have an agenda or key points to discuss. This ensures that the meeting stays productive.

6. One Example of Walking and Productive Footwear

When you’re thinking about introducing walking meetings to your team, it's essential to ensure everyone is comfortable. Footwear plays a significant role in how enjoyable and productive these meetings will be. For example, wearing the right volleyball shoes for women could make a big difference in comfort, especially for those who are on their feet all day. These shoes are designed for support and agility, which translates well into any environment where walking is involved, making them an ideal choice for anyone participating in walking meetings.


Walking meetings are an innovative way to improve your team's creativity, focus, and overall well-being. By stepping away from the traditional office setting and incorporating movement into your workday, you’ll foster a more open and dynamic environment that encourages fresh ideas and better communication. Start small, encourage participation, and watch your team’s creativity soar as they walk their way to success.

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